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Showing posts from 2022

Portrait Service

A custom portrait is the perfect way to mark an unforgettable moment or surprise a family or a friends. All works are carved from all-natural, luxurious wood, including mahogany, oak, chestnut, ash, iroko and are sealed with a non-toxic antique wood wax. We never use any harmful chemicals in my work, so you can be sure that all carvings are safe and produced with the environment in mind.

Proclamation of Independence

Proclamation of Independence Hand carved in Ireland . Made to order Relief carving on mahogany backing on pine. 600mmx550mmx35mm POBLACHT NA H EIREANN, THE PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT OF THE IRISH REPUBLIC TO THE PEOPLE OF IRELAND IRISHMEN AND IRISHWOMEN: In the name of God and of the dead generations from which she receives her old tradition of nationhood, Ireland, through us, summons her children to her flag and strikes for her freedom. Having organised and trained her manhood through her secret revolutionary organisation, the Irish Republican Brotherhood, and through her open military organisations, the Irish Volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army, having patiently perfected her discipline, having resolutely waited for the right moment to reveal itself, she now seizes that moment, and, supported by her exiled children in America and by gallant allies in Europe, but relying in the first on her own strength, she strikes in full confidence of victory. We declare the right of the people of Ir...

The Rut

  Male deer engage in fierce battles to win over the females. Sexually mature stags prepare for the most important contest of their lives – access to a harem of fertile females! The fight starts vocally, and if this is not enough to ward off a competitor, you will see rivals parallel-walk before locking antlers and engaging in battle. If you see rivals parallel-walk they are assessing their opponents size and strength. They may also thrash the ground so that vegetation catches in their antlers making them look larger. Fights are a shoving match, with each stag trying to gain the advantage by being uphill. The biggest stags will hold harems in the middle of the rut.

Tree Symbolism

  Alder  ~ Call the tree of fire. It symbolizes firm foundations for any venture, and power to control external forces and factors in your life. It can off you security in times of uncertainty and the persistence to carry a venture through difficult initial stages. Almond  ~ Abundance, prosperity and love without limits. Like all nut-bearing tree, the almond promises fertility for any venture and the fruition of dreams, although perhaps not until several months after inception. Apple  ~ Fertility, health, love and long life. The magical apple tree promises renewed life and strength if you have been feeling tired or have lost your way. Ash  ~ Expansion of horizons, travel especially by sea, healing, strength and prosperity. As a World Tree the ash will increase your authority and powers of leadership, bringing with it, of course, additional responsibilities. Aspen  ~ Communication, eloquence, protection against theft, and healing. A tree of great sensitivity...

County & Town map

  County & Town map


  Maybe it was a wishful dream? I cut them down Silence there screams I’m tired of trying to please When my demons My voices Have always been The ones that never judged Can’t tell if I’m awake Did I rip the flesh Off those that judge?    Watched them suffer and plead The joys of watching them bleed

Joseph Mary Plunket


Left alone with my thoughts I’m torn apart I am the creature of intent In my mind ye are already dead Switch flicks in my head I cut you down The silence and darkness I crave is all that remains