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Showing posts from November, 2023

Ogham Irish Wall Hanging

  Celtic Craft Naas Shop Ogham is the earliest form of writing in Ireland, dating back to the 4th century BCE. The Ogham alphabet consists of a series of strokes or notches that are either along or across a line. This writing system is sometimes referred to as the "Celtic Tree Alphabet" because several of the letters are associated with the names of specific trees in old Irish. The Ogham alphabet was often inscribed on standing stones as a way to commemorate someone or something important. The carvings were typically made along the edge of the stone, using the edge as the center line. When reading Ogham, the letters are normally read from left to right, starting at the bottom and moving up. If necessary, the reader would then continue across the top of the stone and down the other side. While Ogham is no longer in use today, it remains an important part of Ireland's ancient history and culture. The unique and intricate nature of the alphabet is a testament to the creativi...

Druids Home Protection Druids are known for their connection to nature and their ability to harness its power to cast spells. Protection spells are some of the most popular spells that druids use to safeguard themselves and those around them. One of the most common protection spells used by druids is the "Circle of Protection" spell. This spell creates a protective circle around the caster, keeping negative energies and harmful entities at bay. The druid can also use the spell to create a circle of protection around a specific area or person, such as a home or family member. Another powerful spell used by druids is the "Shield" spell. This spell creates a protective shield around the caster, deflecting any negative energies or attacks directed towards them. The shield can also be used to protect others, making it a valuable tool in group situations. Lastly, druids often use the "Warding" spell to keep negative energies and enti...

Ireland Unfree

 Irish nationalist leader, Padraig Pearse.  "Ireland unfree shall never be at peace." Pearse used this phrase in his famous speech delivered on the steps of the General Post Office in Dublin, during the Easter Rising of 1916. The phrase encapsulates the Irish struggle for independence from British rule that spanned several centuries. The Irish people had long been subjected to economic and political oppression, which led to widespread poverty and disenfranchisement. The 1916 Easter Rising was a seminal moment in Irish history, as it marked the first significant armed rebellion against British rule since the uprising of 1798. Although the Rising was unsuccessful, it paved the way for the establishment of an independent Irish state in 1922. The sacrifices made by those who fought for Irish independence and the ongoing struggle for freedom continues to this day. It  is more important than ever to remember the sacrifices and achievements of these great leaders. Their courage ...

Irish Bog Oak

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Rage / How Life Is Meant To Be (Original)

                                                              How Life Is Meant To Be Walking along Keep eyes to the ground Counting my steps Calming me down Always on edge Until a safe place   No fear for myself But those I may meet That the rage that’s inside me Won’t be released Has been there as long As I care to remember   Catch me off guard That’s when it’s too late Can happen so fast Can’t always control it   You’re too quiet some say But they don’t know How hard it is keeping control   The comfort I feel When I’m with my family  I think that they know How hard some days can be   Over the years Some days a torment Hard work keeping calm I really need rest   Heart pumping in chest Watching the clock Is it time for home yet   That’s where I feel calmest  Surrounded by family Just sitti...

The Celtic Zodiac

Shop For Your Celtic Zodiac The Celtic zodiac is a fascinating system of astrology that has been used for centuries. It is based on the cycles of the moon and the trees that grow in the Celtic lands. The Celtic zodiac has 13 signs, each of which is associated with a different tree and animal. The first sign in the Celtic zodiac is Birch, which is associated with the Stag. Birch people are known for their creativity, intuition, and sensitivity. They are also very nurturing and protective of those they care about.  The second sign is Rowan, which is associated with the Cat. Rowan people are often very psychic and intuitive. They are known for their ability to navigate difficult situations with ease and for their wisdom. The third sign is Ash, which is associated with the Adder. Ash people are often very intelligent and analytical. They are great problem solvers and are known for their ability to think outside the box. The fourth sign is Alder, which is associated with the Fox. Alder ...

Wiccan Nature Worship

  Wicca is a modern pagan religion that is associated with witchcraft and nature worship. In Wicca, symbols play an important role in rituals and beliefs. One of the most popular Wiccan symbols is the pentacle, which is a five-pointed star surrounded by a circle. The pentacle is often used as a symbol of protection and is believed to have the power to ward off negative energy. In Wicca, the pentacle is often used in spells and rituals to protect the practitioner from harm. It is also used to represent the elements of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. The circle that surrounds the pentacle is believed to represent the infinite and the eternal cycle of life. Other Wiccan symbols that are used for protection include the triple moon, which represents the phases of the moon and the three aspects of the goddess, and the horned god, which represents the masculine energy of nature. These symbols are used to connect with the divine and to draw upon its power for protection and guidance. ...