All that was fought for is gone They changed the law so they could give it away See what they've done Now its all gone No more resources There dirty deals done Pockets lined envelopes given Jailed for corruption but still its all gone No thoughts given for those yet to come Now our old Huddling in the cold All hope has gone The treacherous government Lost the right to remain What to do Tear it all down Author: Patrick Conlan A land of beauty, of poetry, of warm smiles and even warmer welcomes. But beneath this idyllic facade, a rot has set in.A cancer of corruption eats away at the heart of our nation. The very people entrusted to safeguard our future, our elected officials, have betrayed us.They line their pockets while our hospitals crumble. Our elderly shiver in homes they can no longer afford to heat. This is not the Ireland we know. This is not the Ireland we deserve. This is not the Ireland our martyrs died for. A Nation Betrayed The Price of Corruption Billions,...
Celtic Mythology and History Of Ireland Story's & Poems