While out hunting Finn was about to slay a deer when he was stopped by his hounds Bran and Sceólang, who were born of a human enchanted into the form of a hound. The faithful animals recognised her as human and Fionn took her home, where she turned into Sadhbh the moment she set foot on his land. The druid Fear Doirich had turned her into a deer for refusing to marry him. They married, and she was soon pregnant, but while Finn was out hunting the druid returned and turned her back into a deer. Fionn spent years searching for her, and his faithful hounds found their son, Oisín, in the form of a fawn. Once returned, he transformed back into a child and became one of the greatest of the Fianna and a poet.
According to Irish folklore, butterflies are said to move between worlds and bring messages and warnings. They are said to be souls, waiting to be reborn on earth. This is perhaps why butterflies still play such a prominent role in material culture today, with a wide range of clothes, stationary, and other good coming decorated with butterflies. Butterflies with dark wings were said to warn of bad news such as an attack or failed crop, while white and yellow butterflies were told to bring good news such as a birth or success. In Irish mythology and folklore, butterflies have a special significance. According to Irish tradition, butterflies are believed to move between worlds and bring messages and warnings. They are considered to be souls waiting to be reborn on earth. This belief has contributed to the continued popularity of butterflies in modern-day material culture. Butterflies can be seen on a wide range of clothes, stationery, and other goods. Interestingly, the colour of t...