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The Ghost Room / Devils Room Maynooth

 nui maynooth

In the mid 19th century in Room Two / devils room of Rhetoric House, Maynooth College , two young seminarists took their own lives, nineteen years apart, and the room has been the source of many tales ever since.
Rhetoric House in the South Campus, built in 1834, was formerly a residential house for trainee priests.

On 1 March 1841, a young student from Limerick by the name of Sean O’Grady jumped out of room and fell to his death.  It is not known as to who or what possessed O’Grady to do such a thing but the common legend suggests that a demon had something to do with it.
Years later student Thomas McGinn from Kilmore, Co. Wexford he stayed in Room No. 2. When term began, he was moved to a different room and was subsequently told that he had spent a week in a room where a previous student had killed himself. It preyed on his mind night and day. After mass one morning, McGinn went into Room No. 2 cut himself with a razor and then threw himself out of the window.

Dr. McCarthy visited him in the infirmary before he succumbed to his injuries. He gave them an account of the demonic occurrences that happened in the room that led to his actions.
A priest spent the night in the room and was so terrified by whatever he saw – he refused to speak about it – that his hair turned bright white.
There are dark stains on the floor confirmed by the college’s chemistry department are human blood and that they can’t be removed no matter what cleaning products are used.

Grave yard NUI Maynooth

Entrance to the grave yard in NUI Maynooth.


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