Unveiling Ireland's prehistoric mysteries is like opening a treasure chest filled with stories of resilience, ingenuity, and cultural richness.Let's take a stroll back to the Neolithic period, around 4000 BC, when Ireland's ancient peoples settled down, shifted from hunting to farming, and built small, stable communities.Fast forward to the Bronze Age, around 2500 BC.These folks were prolific builders, crafting thousands of megalithic tombs, stone circles, and hill-forts.Their unique jewellery, weaponry, and metallurgy give us a glimpse into their advanced skills and sophisticated society.The Neolithic, Bronze, and Iron Age peoples had fascinating belief systems.While much of it remains a mystery, we do know their monuments were often aligned with astrological events like summer and winter solstices.These alignments hint at their deep connection with the skies and seasons.Ireland's origins are shrouded in myth, but one captivating tale is from the Book of Invasions.Enter the Tuatha de Dannan, the Sidhe – mystical, fairy-like beings who supposedly inhabited Ireland before the Celts.They named the land after their goddess Ériu, which evolved into Éirinn and eventually – Eireann.Around 500 BC, the Celtic people, known as the Milesians, arrived.Whether through invasion or gradual assimilation, they left an indelible mark on Ireland, bringing with them a dominant culture and expert use of iron that proved invaluable in battle.Ireland's ancient peoples left behind awe-inspiring monuments that stand as a testament to their ingenuity and cultural prowess.From the Neolithic cairns and crannogs to the Bronze Age stone circles, these structures offer a profound connection to a distant, mysterious past.And as new discoveries continue to emerge, our understanding of Ireland's prehistoric heritage only deepens, revealing ever more about the lives of its ancient inhabitants.
According to Irish folklore, butterflies are said to move between worlds and bring messages and warnings. They are said to be souls, waiting to be reborn on earth. This is perhaps why butterflies still play such a prominent role in material culture today, with a wide range of clothes, stationary, and other good coming decorated with butterflies. Butterflies with dark wings were said to warn of bad news such as an attack or failed crop, while white and yellow butterflies were told to bring good news such as a birth or success. In Irish mythology and folklore, butterflies have a special significance. According to Irish tradition, butterflies are believed to move between worlds and bring messages and warnings. They are considered to be souls waiting to be reborn on earth. This belief has contributed to the continued popularity of butterflies in modern-day material culture. Butterflies can be seen on a wide range of clothes, stationery, and other goods. Interestingly, the colour of t...